The Akashic Records

While practical, appropriate action is a component of every Akashic Records reading, the first and main goal is to see and know the person that is being read as the unconditionally loved soul that they are. This is a very powerful perspective and this is what makes the Akashic Records a spiritual type of healing.

The paradox, the challenge, and the power is to know ourselves as unconditionally loved while living a human experience. In other words, to know our Soul Level Truth while living a challenging human existence. It is true that we are perfect at the soul level, AND that we are imperfect human beings. When we are in the Akashic Records, there is no need to send light to anyone or anything. Instead, we allow all light to flourish.

The information and teachings I present about the Akashic Records come from over five years of study and training, including three Akashic Records certifications, performing approximately 100 private readings, and of course my own personal work within the Akashic Records.

What kinds of questions do you have about the Akashic Records? ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š


The Akashic Records are not predictive, they are healing.